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About Us

Some Benefits You may feel

The EESystem can help you achieve your maximum potential by recharging your energy. Imagine what this can do for you! We’ve put together a sample of users experiences after trying the EESystem. Remember, every individual experience is different.

Feelings of zen & calmness
sense of increased energy
being more present

Welcome to the new era in wellbeing 

We look forward to greeting you in our scalar lounge and being a part of your wellbeing journey 

See you soon 


Noosaville Medical & Professional Centre Suite

First Floor, Suite 409/90 Goodchap Street 

Noosaville  Q  4566

0433 510 845

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes only and are not in any way medical advice and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. EEsystem™ and Quantum Healing Noosa Pty Ltd (or its employees) does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, mitigate, cure, prevent or diagnose illness. This device and services are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, be sure to see your healthcare practitioner.

Quantum Healing Noosa © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

quantum healing noosa

april special
time to relax


Buy 4 x 2 hour sessions for $399 ($100 per session) for use any time in April and the first 2 weeks of May

Can be booked and paid for now 

Special Pricing ends April 30th 2023